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Dekha freelancers and consultants is a freelancing and consulting company designed to help businesses and individuals share their work load with us so as to get work done within the limited time possible, making their prohects and sork successful.
We're dedicated to giving you the very best possible service, with a focus on timeliness, accuracy, and customer satisfaction.

Best Services

Training accounting

We teach individuals how to manage financial records, including everything from basic bookkeeping to advanced accounting principles. Training accounting is often used to help individuals develop the skills they need to succeed in finance-related careers.

Accounts management:

We help businesses manage their financial accounts, including everything from bookkeeping to financial analysis. Accounts management is often used to help businesses make informed decisions about their finances.

Tax services

We help businesses manage their taxes, including everything from tax preparation to tax planning. We also offer additional features like audit support and tax resolution.

Payroll Services

We help businesses manage their employees’ paychecks, including calculating taxes and issuing paychecks. We also offer additional features like time tracking and benefits administration

Financial Modeling

We create a mathematical representation of a company’s financial situation, including projections of future revenue, expenses, and cash flow. Financial modeling is often used to help businesses make decisions about investments, financing, and other financial matters

Bookkeeping and Financial Reporting

Maintain organized and up-to-date financial records. Generate detailed financial statements, including income statements and balance sheets. Monitor your financial health and provide insights for better decision-making.

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At Dekha, we take pride in offering a wide range of accounting services tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses and individuals alike. Our team of seasoned professionals is dedicated to delivering accurate, timely, and efficient financial solutions.

Our services are tailored to adhere to the specific needs of our clients,
depending on matters such as urgency level, discipline, and academic level.
Chances are, we already thought about your needs before you even came to us.

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